Panelling and or Wainscotting...


This year’s been weird. I’ve not managed to do as much work as I was planning on doing this year, that’s what happens when you nearly cut your fingers off. I had quite a nice size renovation that we couldn’t do, luckily I had the accident before we had started but it was a nice job that we’d have done pretty nice. It is what it is…

I ended up super busy after starting back work, which was nice, but when I’m busy the admin fails. I like using the word admin. I think it’s just a made up word that no one knows what it actually means. I mean answering emails when I say admin.

We’re back to normal now, I’ve got someone whose job it is to just do admin stuff. You can’t do everything yourself.

Anyway, whatever it is you’re looking for - wall panelling, coffered ceiling, renovation etc etc then the best thing to do is to email Here

I’m sure I’ve said it before that I like to work about an hour from the workshop. So most of Argyll, Helensburgh, Dumbarton, there’s a lot of nice older period properties in Glasgow too so we travel to there quite a bit. I’m terrible at keeping to the rules I make. (I add in names of places so google finds me, marketing genius)

Hasta La Vista’