An Ikea sink and an Antique Chest of Drawers

Excuse the pictures, the lighting in my bathroom is the worst but you get the idea.

I found this old best of drawers, actually I got two of them, both different but one is for the main bathroom and one for the en-suite. Don’t know how I feel about saying “en-suite” I feel you sound like a bit of a dick, maybe I should stop saying it in a deep French accent.

The round sink and taps were from Ikea. Say what you want about Ikea but they’ve got some good designers working in there, I’m a fan of the lighting, the sinks/taps and the plastic boxes.

All the drawers still function, you just need to do some cutting and remake the backs of the drawers to go around the waste pipe from the sink.

Chest of drawers like this are everywhere and you can pick them up for cheapness, £40 or thereabouts. I think the sink is pretty cheap too but Gemma deals with that. The bathroom needs ripped out and done again but that’ll take me a few years to get around to that.

The main reason this got done is because Gemma bought the sink and told me everyday that it’s sitting there needing done. The sink for the kitchen was bought 2 years ago and she tells me that everyday too. Need to make the kitchen first.

One bit at a time and the house will maybe be done before I die.