I'm into all this mystical woohoo stuff...I think it's real, like real real!

This isn’t anything to do with my work or trying to get someone to see this and get me to make something for them, just something I saw and liked.

Found this video on YouTube and it was good. I love all this talk, man. I used to be way deep into it, it was all I read and practiced. I think it was good for me. Then you get caught up in nonsense because you meet some people who think it’s stupid and you gradually get away from it. The passed few years I’ve been getting back in to it though and I’m pretty sure it’s good for you. I think it’s good stuff to practice.

A few years ago I met Chris Stoikos, He started the company called The Dollar Beard Club. I was doing skateboards from old whisky barrels and they matched pretty well. We ended up in LA one winter and met up with their board.

Pretty funny, man. And all that Hollywood stuff is kinda exciting too for someone who lives in a small village where the average age is 65 and the most popular choice of clothing is fleece.

I’m away to practice some of those breathing exercises he did at the end of the video.

You won’t find Chris on social media anywhere, he disappeared, man. Vanished. That’s the way to do it.