New Stuff in The Store

What’s happening? Weird times, man. People seem to have lost their fuckin’ minds all over the place. If someone told you that this is how 2020 would turn out while you were partying on New Years Eve you’d call him a mad conspiracy theorist and then laugh at them. Weird. The craziest weirdest time ever but it’s kinda' exciting.

I’ve been making some stuff that I’ve needed for the house over the past couple of weeks when I’ve had some time. I like the things I’ve made, they’re useful and nice to look at so I’ve put them up on the Store section. Is “store” weird? It’s a bit American, I’m not sure Scottish people say “store” but whatever, man.

I’ll be making some more stuff that I’ve been wanting to make for the last year or so and adding as I go. Neil the shop keeper. Most of the stuff is made to order and will be 2-3 week delivery, usually quicker.

You can click here to go straight to the store for a look but here’s a few pictures below of some of the stuff I’m doing just now


And I’ve got some tees in too.


Like I said, there’ll be more stuff added to it soon. I’ve got a walnut and danish cord bench to make as well as some stools, looking forward to it. You can check back or follow the instagram and facebook for any updates on what’s been added.

And send this to your friend who you’d think might like this.
