The Past Wee While...

Time flies, man. Some days I look at the time and its 10 in the morning then I’ll check in a bit and it’s 3pm. It’s weird and I don’t know how to stop it.

Here’s some stuff we’ve been doing over the past while. I’ve not been taking pictures much because I don’t really like having a phone. I’m trying to be one of them guys who’s wife deals with everything, I can go to work and the only people that get in touch are the ones that come to the workshop in real life. Why did we stop living that way? There’s a lot of distractions now, everyone’s acting as if they’re famous, they talk like they’re on a podcast. It’s very mental but I’m not the one who makes the rules.

This was a back door for a house. This might have been one of the first jobs out of the new workshop. sapele with linseed oil paint and double glazing.

This was a wee window for the same place.

A bit of moulding and a raised panel to see how it looked

A tester for a photographer. I know the tweed is all squinty etc etc. It was just to see if thats the idea we’re going for. All stuff I had from similar jobs previously.

This was the outside. I don’t mind it

This still isn’t done. It’ll get done but I’ll need some time to fuck up a few bits to get it right…

Ash drawer fronts for a vanity unit we’re doing for a castle. Quite cool

BillyJoel yoga

The vanity unit assembled to see how it’ll look.

I’ve used maple for face frames for a while. I’ve been finding it hard to get good birch plywood but there’s a place I don’t use a lot that have some, or so people have been telling me. Think it’s pirates who stole it on its way here and they’re holding the plywood ransom.

These units all got dismantled and then put back together, it wasn’t good fun but access was tight.

Found a pizza place that delivers to the workshop. Good pizza but they don’t cut it. Had to buy a workshop pizza cutter. Fair enough but there’s no good reason not to cut it. I find it a disrespect and down right ridiculous behaviour but I shall buy again because it’s good and I like pizza.

This was a table for down somewhere in England, part of a delivery with a few different things. All solid white oak with an osmo wax oil finish. I like osmo 3032. My kind of finish.

If you’re looking for something similar to what I do you can send me an email from the Contact page and I’ll see what I can do…

Busy times, must dash, tallyho (I like how the country toffs talk, I’m trying to pick it up)