
There’s not loads of space left for us to do anymore renovations this year, there’s a tiny bit of space for furniture stuff and some space for smaller building work. If we could get some guys who know what they’re doing then we could fit some more work in but we’ve still not found any. What happened to people who know how to make/build stuff? I’ve been on instagram and I’m not impressed and really uninspired. We used to build steel beams in this country. (I’m kinda joking but not really)

If you’ve got drawings you can send them, email them ideally and we can get some costs together. The picture above is one we’re putting a cost together for, there’s no other relevance to it. I just needed a picture for the post because people don’t really read, they just scan, and pictures are better.

We’re still trying to do any building work within an hour to an hour and a half of Lochgoilhead, Argyll and it’s worked so far this year.

Take it easy, It’s a knife fight out there…
