A vehicle for the Zombie Apocalypse

Whats happening? Work seems to have slowed down to pretty much zero with this CoronaVirus going fuckin mental all over the place. I’ve watched everything and it’s pretty nice doing woodwork stuff just for yourself with no deadline to be met. This is why I think woodworking must be the best hobby if you’re some sort of professional type, the type that wears a suit and is regarded as important.

This is just a video I liked, the Toyota is probably my favourite. I really thought when the world was ending there’d be more zombies and explosions/fires. It’s been a bit shit so far with nothing really happening other than police who were bullied at school handing out fines for people buying easter eggs. I also thought giving away a lot of my human rights and freedoms would have been some sort of fight between us and them. But it’s really not been that hard, no one even knows the rights that were taken away because the main stream news have done a great job of making us all think we’re all going to die in the streets after making eye contact with another person, another person that hasn’t got the virus. Not sure how peoples minds are working during this shit but it shows how fuckin stupid people can be. And it’s quite nice not being the ‘nuts’ one for a change. Fuckin crack pots, man.

Anyway here’s a video I like, no need to build yourself one though, because unfortunately all the zombies are doing in this movie is buying toilet roll and shouting at people to stay inside. So no beheadings so far. Enjoy: